My father died twenty-four yeas ago this month while abroad in Japan. Traveling was my dad’s lifelong passion. During the 1940s he hitchhiked to all 48 states of America before his twenty-first birthday. By the end of his life my dad had traveled around the world and visited over one hundred countries.
Here he is posing with a peacock at Warwick Castle in England. Throughout his travels Dad always had his camera slung over his shoulder. I think my father’s love for photography is what drew me toward friendships with so many photographers. I’ve been blessed to know amazing and gifted photographic artists including: Marc Norberg, Layne Kennedy, Mary Ludington, as well as my dear friend David Shippee who lost his life in the line of duty as a photo journalist. (See blog post 8-x-15)
My next series of posts to my blog will feature a collection of childhood photos taken by my late father, Warren Brant.