The Art of Protest / NEXT350

5-24-15 Making Protest Art

My neighbor Mary Ludington took this picture. The man on crutches is David Solnit who was directing us how to make protest art.  David came to Minnesota last weekend from California to help prepare the artwork for the Tar Sands March on the Minnesota State Capital this June 6th.

David is on crutches because a pile of plywood fell and crushed his foot. The good news was that there were no broken bones. The bad news is that I guess a crushed foot takes longer to heal than a broken bone.

A crushed foot didn’t seem to slow David down this weekend.  When your trying to save the world from Global Warming a little pain is worth it.

David told amazing stories of being one of the creators of the Rebel Clown Army that effectively shut down the road to the G8 Summit in 2005.

Join us on June 6th.