19th EMERGENCY CLOWN NOSE® Pick / #next364 #rednose

#1 koch brothers as clowns

The 19th Emergency Clown Nose® pick of the season goes to the infamous Koch Brothers.  In this series I’m exploring the noble as well as ignoble clown.  Each day through Christmas look for posts to my blog, www.LloydBrant.com, of a different public figure that either delighted in playing the clown, or that the public has unfortunately chosen to paint as a clown.

If anyone suffers from clown-a-phobia then these guys should be keeping you up at night. These billionaire brothers, and their shadowy friends are preparing to spend a billion dollars on the 2016 election cycle in an attempt to buy the Senate, House, and US Presidency.  The only option is to shine the limelight of the circus ring on these clowns.

Mark Twain said, “Against the assault of of laughter nothing can stand.”
