The 15th Emergency Clown Nose® pick of the Holiday Season is George Fox. In this series I’m exploring the noble as well as ignoble clown. Each day through Christmas look for posts to my blog,, of a different public figure that either delighted in playing the clown, or that the public has unfortunately chosen to paint as a clown.
George Fox was one of the most famous American clowns of the 19th Century. He was a contemporary of Englishman, Joseph Grimaldi, and like Grimaldi he never performed in the circus ring, but was a star of the stage in New York. When the Civil War broke out Fox immediately volunteered and fought in the First Battle of Bull Run. Afterwards he returned to the stage until 1875 when he began losing his mind. Tragically he died shortly afterwards at the young age of 52. It is speculated that the toxic lead in his white make-up caused the insanity that led to Fox’s early death.
I guess that’s the professional hazards of being a clown.